Where science and compassion cure

Kintzer PP, Peterson ME: Management of cortisol-secreting adrenal tumors. Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Veterinary Medical Forum (American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine), pp 366-368, 1992

Peterson ME, Kintzer PP: Management of pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism. Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Veterinary Medical Forum (American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine), pp 363-365, 1992

Peterson ME: Use of the triiodothyronine suppression test for diagnosis of mild hyperthyroidism in cats. Proceeding of the Feline Medicine Symposium, held in conjunction with the North American Veterinary Conference, pp 68-71, 1992

Peterson ME: Insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus in cats. Proceeding of the Feline Medicine Symposium, held in conjunction with the North American Veterinary Conference, pp 44-54, 1992

Peterson ME, Smiley, LS: Diagnostic testing for hyperadrenocorticism in dogs. Proceedings of The Waltham Symposium for the Treatment of Small Animal Diseases: Endocrinology (15th Annual Symposium held in cooperation with The Ohio State University), pp 7-12, 1992

Peterson ME, Graves TK: Diagnosis and treatment of occult hyperthyroidism in cats. Proceedings of The Waltham Symposium for the Treatment of Small Animal Diseases: Endocrinology (15th Annual Symposium held in cooperation with The Ohio State University), pp 97-102, 1992

Peterson ME, Nichols CE: Diseases of the adrenal gland: Hyperadrenocorticism. In: Morgan, RV (ed): Handbook of Small Animal Practice, New York, Churchill Livingstone. 534-538, 1992

Nichols CE, Peterson ME: Diseases of the adrenal gland: Hypoadrenocorticism. In: Morgan, RV (ed): Handbook of Small Animal Practice, New York, Churchill Livingstone 531-534, 1992

Peterson ME: Systéme International (SI) Units for Hormone Assays (Table), In: Kirk RW, Bonagura JD (eds): Current Veterinary Therapy XI. Philadelphia, WB Saunders Co., p 1262, 1992

Peterson ME: Tests of the Endocrine System (Table), In: Kirk RW, Bonagura JD (eds): Current Veterinary Therapy XI. Philadelphia, WB Saunders Co., p 1261, 1992

Peterson ME: Hypoparathyroidism and other causes of hypocalcemia in cats, In: Kirk RW, Bonagura JD (eds): Current Veterinary Therapy XI. Philadelphia, WB Saunders Co., pp 376-379, 1992

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