Where science and compassion cure

Musashi, my 8 year old cat, actually enjoyed his stay at the Hypurrcat spa!  As a veterinarian's cat, he visits my clinic often for treatments and boarding, and he always becomes anxious and upset.  So I was concerned about how he would behave for a whole week in an unfamiliar setting. Who knew he would behave so well during his stay!  Perhaps it was the serene atmosphere of the Hypurrcat facility - it was almost like walking into a nice hotel - or the loving staff that made him feel at home.  We loved our "virtual visits" too. My husband and I (and his "grandparents" from overseas) checked him so frequently we sometimes had to fight over the web cam!  We saw how comfortable he was and were relieved to see his appetite and loving nature didn't change at all during his stay.  


Over the years I have sent several of my patients to Dr. Peterson, and all of my clients have told me how happy they were with his service.  I got to experience it first hand, and now I'm even more confident about sending my patients to Hypurrcat, knowing they will be getting a nice "spa" experience!


Kyoko Yoshida, D.V.M; Tribeca Soho Animal Hospital
New York, NY



My cat, Aria, was diagnosed with diabetes a few years ago. My first response was of uncertainty, confusion and the notion that Aria’s life would be filled with difficult health and medical problems. I immediately turned to Dr. Peterson. He created an atmosphere of calmness and clarity for me and Aria. With Dr. Peterson’s patience and instruction, I became proficient in all aspects of Aria’s regimen including giving her insulin injections. It is obvious that Dr. Peterson and his staff are animal lovers. His dedication and careful direction led to Aria’s diabetes reversing and she now enjoys normal glucose levels. At age 15, Aria does have hyperthyroidism and chronic kidney issues, but both diseases are completely controlled with Dr. Peterson’s consistent care. 


Aria’s visits with Dr. Peterson are always accompanied by respect, quality and impeccable treatment. She is regarded with exceptional importance and her happiness and comfort are paramount. I have the utmost confidence in Dr. Peterson, and I completely value his expertise and seasoned experience. Aria has a wonderful life, which I owe to Dr. Peterson and his staff.


Rick Simone
New York, NY



When our older cat, Alice, was diagnosed as having hyperthyroidism, we were given three options. We initially opted to give her daily tablets, but as cat owners, you know there must be a better way! After about two days of this struggle, the prospect of battling for the rest of the cat’s life became very unappealing – for her as well as us.  


There really was only one other option for us, and our vet had provided us with the link to the Hypurrcat website. After researching the clinic and Dr. Peterson, I was convinced and certain that Alice might actually enjoy her stay (the entertainment part, for sure)!


Pre-visit information gathering and screening were handled in a professional, thorough and friendly fashion. I immediately felt comfortable handing Alice off to Dr. Peterson and his group. We arrived on the day of the treatment and were greeted in the most welcoming manner. Alice generally has to be wrenched out of her carrier, but Dr. Peterson and his staff were so soothing that she calmly exited it on her own. We previewed her condo and its entertainment center (birdfeeder at the window) and left her in very good hands. During her stay, we got daily reports and watched Alice in her new habitat via cat-cam. It was great! Alice is now a happy and healthy cat thanks to Hypurrcat and we all couldn’t be more pleased.


Kathy and Marty Bunin
New York, NY



When we realized that our cat, Shadow, was not doing well on his thyroid medication, we looked at Dr. Peterson’s website, www.animalendocrine.com. We quickly contacted Dr. Peterson’s office, were informed by their friendly receptionist about the radioiodine treatment and decided to go ahead with his treatment plan.


Dr. Peterson and his great staff took wonderful care of Shadow. He was scanned by nuclear scintigraphy and a copy of the scan was sent to us.  He was then treated with the radioactive iodine and always looked great when we watched him from the web cam. Shadow had good meals and a clean condo all the time. His caretakers were sweet, kind and gentle.


I really feel that Shadow bonded with these great folks as he was reluctant to go into his carrier when the time came for him to go home!  We couldn’t be happier with the results of his treatment.  He has regained the weight he lost prior to his treatment and once again enjoys roaming outside keeping his home area “safe.”


Mr. and Mrs. F. Rademacher
Milford, PA



While treating our cat Mochie for urinary tract crystals, we found out he was hyperthyroid. My wife and I, being holistic, decided to try and treat the condition through diet changes and a number of homeopathic remedies, but, Mochie continued to decline and was literally wasting away before our very eyes.  


A friend shared his success with treating his cat for hyperthyroidism at the Animal Endocrine Clinic in Manhattan so we elected to give Dr. Peterson's method a try.


During Mochie’s stay in the clinic we watched him often using the web cam. He showed no signs of stress or difficulty with the radioiodine injection, and was obviously enjoying his surroundings and the staff who attended to his every need.


Within a week of bringing Mochie home we noticed clear indications that he was improving. After his last blood test, Mochie’s thyroid levels had become normal, his regular behavior returned and he gained weight!


To say that we are pleased is a gross understatement, and we are continually grateful to Dr. Peterson and his dedicated staff who offer a treatment for the devastating symptoms of hyperthyroidism that simply works to really cure this condition. It is not likely that our cat Mochie would be with us today had it not been for the successful intervention and treatment that Dr. Peterson provided. Thanks again Dr. Peterson, from all of us!


Jeffrey Mironov and Brenda Charles
New York, NYC



The staff at Hypurrcat is very attentive and caring to all the cats, including my own cat, Karma, who I took to Dr. Peterson for evaluation and treatment. They remember every detail, including likes and dislikes, about each of the cats that I have referred to the AEC.  


The Animal Endocrine Clinic set up is not like a typical hospital environment. It is very homey and comforting for the cats. For the first time ever, Karma was interested in entering the clinic and looking around – usually she is nervous when she goes to the hospital. They also have cameras in all of the cages, which are on 24 hours a day. I am a very worried mom and it was very comforting to be able to use the cameras and see her whenever I wanted to.


Overall, the experience was stress-free and very positive. I strongly recommend the Animal Endocrine Clinic to all owners of cats and dogs suffering from hormonal disorders.


Sasha Gibbons, DVM; Just Cats Veterinary Hospital
Stamford, CT



When my local veterinarian told me that my cat had hypercalcemia (high blood calcium) and would be referred to an endocrinologist, I was panicked.  Robbie DOES NOT like the vet and has always had to be anesthetized to be examined or have blood drawn.  Not with Dr. Peterson.  When his assistant told me not to worry, that he is the "cat whisperer", she was not exaggerating.


Dr. Peterson is gentle, patient, and does what is necessary to make Robbie feel safe.  Robbie has not needed anesthesia for any of his numerous exams and blood tests that were done at the Animal Endocrine Clinic.  Best of all, his blood work shows improvement!


Dr. Peterson explains the treatment options and processes in a manner that I can understand.  He and his staff make Robbie and I feel comfortable, and I feel more confident and hopeful. I strongly recommend him to anyone who has a cat or dog suffering from an endocrine disorder.


Lois Guberman
Weston, CT



Like most pet owners, we consider our pets to be family.  As such, one can imagine how upset we were to learn that not one, but three of our furry kids developed hyperthyroidism.  Sousou was first to be diagnosed and treated with radioiodine followed by Goldie and Brownie.  


The destructive effects of this disorder, hit us on many levels.  It seemed as if our poor cats were possessed by an evil, unseen force, robbing us of the familiar, happy creatures we knew and loved and replacing them with sullen strangers with vacant stares.  The weight loss was horrifying and we feared the worst.


Our fears were replaced with optimism and relief the day we met with Dr. Peterson.  He and Courtney graciously and patiently answered our questions and explained step-by-step, how treatment and recovery would take place.


Of course we hated the idea of our cats being away from home, but we knew they would be in the best place with the best people.  Seeing them live via Cat Cam and receiving telephone updates helped tremendously.


I simply cannot say enough good things about Dr. Peterson and his wonderful staff.  Words seem feeble to describe the awesome things they do and their dedication and commitment to animals (and their humans).  Thanks to them, our beloved cats are back to normal and doing well.  We are eternally grateful to them for their loving care and wish them continued success.


Helen Hartofilis
Astoria, NY



After reviewing the options for treating Peko’s hyperthyroidism, I decided against surgery or a lifetime of oral medications. Initially I was uneasy about the alternative, a procedure involving radiation, but I shouldn’t have been – it was miraculous! From the renowned Dr. Mark Peterson, who pioneered radioiodine therapy, to his remarkably skilled and compassionate staff, I couldn’t have anticipated what a healing and rewarding experience it would be! Peko received the best and most loving care imaginable, while I received daily updates by telephone and email as well as streaming video images of him in his fantasy suite!  


Today Peko is his happy, healthy and vigorous kitty-self again! My deepest thanks to Dr. Peterson, Carol, Margaret and the entire staff at Hypurrcat!


Brenda Barnes
Mt. Kisco, NY



Dr. Mark Peterson and the staff at the Animal Endocrine Clinic are wonderful.  I am a veterinarian at the Animal Medical Center in New York City and have referred many hyperthyroid cats for radioiodine treatment (including my own kitty, Traffic).  Most recently a second cat in my family, Seth, developed hyperthyroidism and
 needed to visit Dr. Peterson at his clinic in New York City.  


My immediate impression, and that related to me by my clients, is one of confidence and comfort knowing that my cat is in good hands.  The environment created by Dr. Peterson and his staff is peaceful and inviting. Everyone is obviously an animal lover and treats each cat as an individual with different personalities and needs.


Throughout their stay at the clinic, I could check on my kitties on their personal web-cams.   Both Seth and Traffic were happy watching birds, playing with their toys, or nestled in their beds.  The environment they lived in, being able to check on them and the daily updates made it all easier for me and them to be away from home.  I was truly impressed with their care and how comfortable they were.  Now they are both home, healthy and back to their “old selves”.


Overall, my experience has always been very positive and I strongly recommend the Animal Endocrine Clinic to all owners of cats and dogs suffering from hyperthyroidism or any other endocrine disorder.


J.P. McCue, DVM, Dip. ACVIM; The Animal Medical Center
New York, NY




21 West 100th St., New York, NY 10025
Phone: (212) 362-2650 • Fax: (212) 537-6340