Crenshaw KL, Peterson ME, Moroff SD, Heeb LA: Serum fructosamine concentration as an index of glycemia in cats with diabetes mellitus and stress hyperglycemia. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 9: 180 (abst 1), 1995
Christopher MM, Warner CB, Peterson ME: Increased serum D-lactate in cats with ketoacidotic diabetes. Proceedings, VIth Congress of the International Society for Animal Clinical Biochemistry, Lumsden T (ed) p. 81, 1994
Kemppainen RJ, Clark TP, Peterson ME: Aprotinin preserves immunoreactive adrenocorticotropin in canine plasma. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 8: 163 (abst 83), 1994
Kaplan AJ, Peterson ME, Kemmpainen RJ: Effects of nonadrenal disease on the results of diagnostic tests for hyperadrenocorticism in dogs. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 8: 161 (abst #73), 1994
Peterson ME, Becker DV: Radioiodine treatment of hyperthyroidism in cats: 524 cases. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 8: 159 (abst #67), 1994
Christopher MM, Broussard JD, Peterson ME: Evidence for in vivo oxidative damage associated with ketoacidosis: Heinz body formation in diabetic cats. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 15: 480, 1993
Christopher M, Broussard J, Peterson M: Heinz bodies are associated with ketoacidosis in cats with diabetes mellitus. Veterinary Pathology 30:429 (abst #8), 1993
Fox PR, Broussard JD, Peterson ME: Electrocardiographic and radiographic changes in cats with hyperthyroidism: Comparison of population evaluated during 1979-1982 vs. 1992. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 7: 118 (abst #26), 1993
Brown BA, Peterson ME. Robertson GL: Evaluation of the plasma vasopressin, plasma sodium, and urine osmolality response to water restriction in normal cats and a cats with diabetes insipidus. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 7: 113 (abst #6), 1993
Broussard JD, Peterson ME, Wallace MS: Comparison of absorption kinetics of PZI and Ultralente insulin preparations in normal cats. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 7: 113 (abst #5), 1993
Broussard JD, Peterson ME: Changes in the clinical and laboratory findings in hyperthyroid cats from 1982-1992. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 7: 112 (abst #3), 1993
Moroff SD, Ackermann MR, Hawkins KL, Rosenthal R, Tappe J, Peterson ME, Toy KA, Rosebury WS: Proliferative lesions of the adrenal cortex in ferrets. Veterinary Pathology 29: 451 (abst #118), 1992